Spirit Arts Youth

Our Services

Delivering the best possible results on every project

Training & Development

Young people leaving care are often expected to reach independence at a young age, but many times they have insufficient information and practical and emotional support, which increases their risk of criminalization. 


No two young people are the same. They face different circumstances and challenges. SAY recognizes that in order to protect our young people effectively we need to have clear insight and provide our staff with the necessary training and procedures to protect our services users

Training & Development

Young people leaving care are often expected to reach independence at a young age, but many times they have insufficient information and practical and emotional support, which increases their risk of criminalization. 

Spirit Arts Youth Ltd will support those who are not engaged in Education, Employment, or Training, as previous Training Providers (funded by The Learning & Skills Council 2001-2007) we feel very strongly that training is very important. Our training provision is holistic in its delivery, we develop life and vocational skills necessary for future training and employment.

Our training and development initiatives help young people get on the right track to success.

Our Core Areas of focus are:

  • Seeking and maintaining employment
  • Apprenticeships, job applications & Interview Skills
  • Business entrepreneurship, freelance work, and self-employment
  • Overcoming Obstacles
  • Computer literacy and staying safe online
  • Personal Development / Life Skills

Every Child Matters

Spirit Arts Youth is committed to working towards key principles outlined in every child matters framework.

Enjoy And Achieve

Make A Positive Contribution

Achieve economic well-being

Be healthy

Stay Safe


Safety is at the heart of everything we do. It is difficult for any young person transitioning into adulthood, but this difficulty is greatly increased for LAC (Looked After Children) children and the challenges they face.

No two young people are the same. They face different circumstances and challenges. SAY recognizes that in order to protect our young people effectively we need to have clear insight and provide our staff with the necessary training and procedures to protect our service users.

Key aspects of our training include a clear understanding of the following:

  • Grooming
  • Child Sexual Exploitation
  • Abuse within or external to the home
  • Childhood trauma
  • Former victims of neglect or abandonment
  • Honor-related crimes and familial pressure (such as child marriage)
  • Knife Crime
  • County Lines

Not only do we ensure that everyone that encounters our young people is DBS checked, and also trained in safeguarding.

We ensure all of our young people each have their own designated key worker, and that their different emotional and medical needs are taken into consideration when creating their care plans’ needs to be ‘We ensure that our young people’s emotional and medical needs are taken into consideration when creating their training plans.

Preventing Child Sexual Exploitation

When a child experiences something as damaging as sexual exploitation, it can not only damage their physical and mental wellbeing but it can also challenge their view of themselves and the world around them.

SAY works to break down the challenges faced by young people who have been victims of Child Sexual Exploitation. We recognize they face an uphill battle to recover their self-esteem and sense of direction. SAY proactively supports victims of CSE who are in social care, and need additional support to overcome past trauma.

We provide support and counselling, and give the one-to-one time and patience needed to safeguard them emotionally and give them the necessary tools to overcome their past.

Bridging the Gap

We recognize that children and young people in local authority care may not have reached full emotional maturity by the age of 18. As it is often the case that they have faced some form of lack in their lives. Whether that is a lack of parental guidance, socialization, language skills, work experiences, or education.

The intention behind this is also to reduce the rates of recidivism and re-offending. Our peer mentoring programme helps young people to avoid grooming and make better life choices that will lead to tangible outcomes and help them build their work experience or find an adequate career path.

Reach out, connect, and let's make great things happen

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